About Us:

Play Football Asia (PFA) is dedicated to using the power of football to drive social change, promote cultural integration, and support sustainable practices across Asia. Our mission is to elevate football from a sport to a catalyst for community development and environmental stewardship.

Our Vision:

To be the leading organisation in Asia that uses football to bridge diverse communities, promoting peace, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Our Mission:

To provide transformative football experiences that are accessible to all, leveraging the sport to foster community engagement, cultural exchange, and environmental consciousness.

Core Values:

  • Inclusivity: Football for everyone—breaking barriers for participation across all ages and abilities.

  • Community: Strengthening community bonds through shared experiences and celebrations centred around football.

  • Sustainability: Committing to environmental excellence by integrating green practices in all our football activities.


  • Youth Development Programmes: Tailored programmes that focus on nurturing talent and promoting physical well-being among young people.

  • Cultural Celebrations: Integrating traditional festivities with football events to enrich community participation and understanding.

  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Championing initiatives like zero-waste events and sustainable merchandise as part of our commitment to the planet.

Engagement Opportunities:

We offer various engagement models tailored for corporate partners, local governments, and NGOs looking to invest in community-centric sports initiatives. These collaborations are designed to amplify social impact and promote a shared commitment to the values we uphold.